Flying Twitter bird on your Blogger blog

Want to make your blog readers wonder when they see a Twitter bird flying on your blog. Actually this Twitter bird flies when someone scroll your page down. It sits anywhere on your page. When you hover the bird with mouse you have two options: 'tweet this' and 'follow me'. The Twitter bird make your readers to easily follow you or share your post on Twitter in a creative and lovely way. So why are you waiting just follow the below steps and you will be able to put the Twitter bird on your blog.

1. Go to Blogger, Sign in and go to your blog.
2. Go to 'Template' from dashboard
3. Click on 'Edit HTML'
4. Find </body> in the HTML (You can do this by pressing Ctrl+F and typing </body>)
5. Now copy the code below from here and paste the code just above </body> in your template's HTML
6. Replace TechiMen with your Twitter username.
7. Now click on 'Save'. (NOTE: If the HTML is not being saved. Then make the code friendly by using 'Postable Service'. You can post the code there and click 'make it friendly'. Then copy the code from there and use. Now the HTML will be saved)

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