Want to increase Alexa rank?

alexa rank, increase alexa rank in 15 days

Alexa is the website which is most popular for providing the rank of a website on the basis of traffic. Alexa say that they are 'The web information company.' Alexa rank doesn't help in increasing your traffic in any way. But there are many benefits of good Alexa ranking. Good Alexa ranking means the less rank. For example 1 is better than 2. However Alexa doesn't or we can say can't provide exact information on ranks or traffic stats. The ranks are determined on the visits of website through their system. We can say that they will have information of the visits if the visitor has Alexa extension installed on her/his computer.

How can Alexa rank help us?: Alexa rank doesn't help you increase your visitors or traffic stats but the good Alexa rank can help you in the following ways:

  1. A good Alexa rank determines the status of your blog or website.
  2. A good Alexa rank is the only way that can be a reason for the advertisers to contact you to show their ads on your website.
  3. For other bloggers or web developers, Alexa rank will make them to exchange website or blog links.

How can we increase our Alexa rank?: The following steps will really help you to increase your Alexa rank. Check your Alexa rank today. Follow the following steps. Then check your rank after 15 days. You will find that the increase in your rank.

  1. First of all install the Alexa extension i.e. Alexa toolbar (Download) to your computer.
  2. Ask your visitors to install the toolbar.
  3. Your own visits to your website or blog will also increase Alexa rank.
  4. Ask your friends to download Alexa toolbar and make your website or blog their homepage.
  5. Link Alexa on your blog or website by creating a post.
  6. Number of your visitors increases Alexa rank. Increase your visitors.

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