Automatically convert all Rs. to Rupee symbol

How to change rs to rupee symbol automatically
Want to use Rupee symbol instead of Rs. or Rs on your blog or website? Here is the method to do so. Rupee symbol is now very common to be used on websites and blogs. The complex method is that you put an image of Rupee symbol before every amount in Rupees. Sometime you will forget to put the image and sometime you will be lazy to do so. But we have a very simple method to do so by using a JavaScript being provided by WebRupee. You can also avail this service on your Blogger's blog. Even it is simpler to be installed on Blogger.

1. Go to </body> section of your webpage's HTML code.
2. Copy the following script from here and paste before </body> of your page's HTML

3. Done. Now all the Rs. and Rs will be changed to Rupee Symbol. Even in the new post you just have to type Rs or Rs. before the amount and the JavaScript will automatically convert the text into Rupee symbol.

For 'Blogger' bloggers:
1. Go to Blogger and login.
2. Now go to your blog and select 'Template' from dashboard.
3. Click on 'Edit HTML'
4. Find </body> (You can do this by pressing Ctrl+F and typing </body>)
5. Now copy the following script from here and paste before </body>

6. Done. Now all the Rs. and Rs will be changed to Rupee symbol automatically in every post of your blog.

If you are facing any problem installing the Rupee symbol on your blog, just feel free to comment.

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