Make your blog look like a website

First of all download a good looking blogger template from BTemplates
Then upload that to your blog. To upload go to your blog Template>Backup/Restore>Upload and upload the xml template

Create 4 to 5 pages for example Home, About, Contact, Privacy Policy, Support etc.
Go to settings and redirect your blog to your homepage
On Every page go to edit HTML and paste this HTML Code there

.post h3 {display:none !important;}

The above code should be pasted in all pages but not in posts.

Go to advanced>Add CSS and add the following lines:
To remove navbar add this code:

#navbar-iframe {display: none !important;}body .navbar {
.content-outer {

To remove attribution add this code:

#Attribution1 {display: none;}

To remove <<Newer Link   Home  Older Link>> add this code

#blog-pager-newer-link {display: none;}
#blog-pager-older-link {display: none;}
#blog-pager {display: none;}

Create a static home page if you want your website don't look like a blog
Then redirect your home page to the static home page.
I recommend you to add a picture slider on the static home page.

This will remove all the bloggers navbar and other hints

design your blog as a website

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