In the market of mobile operating system, an new war has began with Apple's new OS iOS 7. The competition from Android, Blackberry and Microsoft Windows made the Apple to refress its Operating System. Apple's new operating system is dedicated to the youngsters. They will feel the new refreshing experience in the new OS. Lets see what is the new in this operating system for Apple's iOS devices. Apple doesn't announce the date of the availability of the update of new OS for your device but we hope that the OS will be available to be installed on your device in September or October (2013) according to the news.
Exciting Interface: The new OS includes a revolutionary change in its user interface. The user's of this operating system will not be bored. The icons are modernized in the new OS. Icons are having flat look and new colors. New fonts are also looking good on Apple's screen. The layering effect of Apple iOS 7 is similar to Windows Phone and Microsoft Windows 8. Menu and Pop-Up windows are having translucent background appeal and are stylish. This time Apple used white space efficiently. Due to which the icons are clear and looks bigger.
Multi-Tasking: iOS 7 defines the multitasking differently. Earlier the smart switching between apps were called multitasking. But with the new OS multitasking is smarter. In the new feature the content of App will be updated automatically before you open it. For example, if you check your Facebook at 9 in morning daily, then your feed will be ready and will be waiting to be open by you. The app will know what you want. Beside it you have to press the home button two times to see the screen preview.
iTunes Radio: There are many internet radio services in the apps market. This time Apple has updated more than 200 internet based radio stations. User can also personalized them. This service is completely free, but the user have to pay for the internet usage to his/her mobile operator. User will be able to buy the song being played on the iTunes Radio and can download the song instantly. This App will be available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Mac, PC and Apple TV
Camera: This time Apple has include option of many picture formats for its camera. iPhone users had the problem that their phone doesn't have camera features and they have to download third-party apps. Now you have option to record video, panorama and square in Instagram style with the still. Beside this new artistic filters like retro, black and white are also included which can be applied on the image. You will be able to use these filters with the still and the square. Also the preview option that you can applied after saving the picture.
Find my phone become more powerful: After installing new OS if your iPhone lost, then you don't need to worry. because this is confirmed that nobody will be able to use and sale the phone. Find my phone feature has been made more powerful in the new operating system. If someone turns off the find my phone feature, then hew will need the Apple password to erase the data. He will also need the password to reactivate the phone. After remotely erase, there will be phone lock screen message on the phone.
Password Manager: These days almost every website has register/sign up option. Due to which it is really hard to remember the password. New OS has the feature of iCloud kitchen. By which you will not need to remember your passwords. iCloud will also remember your account names, passwords, and the credit card's number. During website sign in it will fill the input boxes and account details automatically, Apple is saying that the feature is very secure and works on 256-Bit IS encryption. This will also include a new and unique feature. If you will need to make a new account on any website, then the password generator will suggest you a unique password. If you select a password, then that password and the website will be stored in the iCloud memory and you will be able to use that in future.
Easy File Sharing: The apps of new OS will have the share button. On tapping of which, a new window share sheet will be open, in which user photo, video, contacts can be sent iCloud, Twitter, Facebook and SMS. Beside it another feature is AirDrop with which the files can be transferred to near iOS devices by bluetooth or WiFi. In sharesheet, there will be list of your near Apple devices. This feature is available for only iOS 7 to iOS 7 installed devices. This will not need any setup.
Redesigned Siri: The Siri has been improved in new OS. The Siri has been made more powerful. Beside redesigning the Siri Apple has faded the vies. Male-Female sound has been tried to give the natural touch, so that the instruction can be easily understood. Beside it Siri will be faster to give the answers. The range has been increased. Now it will be able to answer the Bing, Wikipedia and Twitter beside of contracts. Beside it the extra task of Siri will be that it will control iTunes Radio and Voice Mail Play.
Easy Browsing: In iOS 7 the browsing experience has been improved. Apple's browser Safari will have its button and bars disappeared and the content bigger and clear during the web-surfing. By swiping you will be able to go back and forward. Thi unified smart search field's feature is also included. On typing URL or any search term, it will give you the closes search results option. With this, the style view of open tabs and web pages has been changed and improved. Open tabs will be really more stylish and big. This will have the feature of reading list by which articles will be easy to read.
Control Center: With its name it has profile also. With control center, the user quick access the control and apps. User will have to only swipe, and will be able to access the control center.
From here, the user will be able to switch the airplane mode, WiFi On-Off, Do-Not-Disturb and many other functions can be access. Beside it from here brightness, calculator, torch, timer, camera can be accessed with a tap.
iOS 7 will be available on: This question will be in many person's brain that new OS will suppor which devices. New OS will be available for iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod Touch 5G, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, and iPad Mini. The OS will be available for free to installed. The OS will not be supported by iPhone 3, iPhone 3G and iPhone 3G S.
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